Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Kuala Lumpur day 3, Singapore day 1

A random and quick plan was formed to to go Singapore this morning. There was a lot of violence going in Bangkok and I didn't feel safe going back there.
After grabbing some food booking a hostel and getting directions we made our way towards the bus station. When we got there things seemed chaotic, we were looking around trying to figure out how we were going to find out bus. After only about 5 minutes we heard somebody shouting "Singapore" and we ran towards the bus. We paid for our ticket and got on. I'd never been on a bus with seats that you can stretch out for your legs it was great because we had a 5 hour journey ahead of us.

The bus stopped about 3 times on the route so people could grab snacks, toilet, have a smoke. The stops were very short though, just enough time to get what you needed.
When we got to the boarder of Malaysia and Singapore we were instructed to get off the bus so we could go through customs. Although technically we were still in Malaysia I was starting to see the difference right away. Things were becoming cleaner and more upscale. When we exited the boarder we were instructed to get on another bus. This bus was more like a "Disco" bus it had this crazy fancy roof with funky lights, I'd never seen anything like it.

After a short while we were instructed to get off that bus too and go to Customs again, this time we were really in Singapore. From there we had to get onto two local buses, but finally we made it. The journey was long. I have to say I didn't realize going there by bus would require so may transfers. It's definitely someting to keep in mind. Maybe the train would have been a better option?

When we got to Singapore we decided to walk to our hostel instead of taking a taxi since we didn't have any money exchanged yet. Walking to the hostel was extremely difficult in the heat late at night with our heavy bags. The street was a lot further then I expected, it probably took us more then half an hour. Once we found the hostel it was like a sanctuary. After unloading we ventured off to find an ATM so we could get some food to eat. It took a while, but we found one at the gas station then we went to this extremely large eating area which was outside under a tent. The place was full of yummy food, it was a great way to end such a long day.

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