Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kuala Lumpur day 2

I must have really been feeling exhausted from my travels because I slept in again more then I intended and I had a lot to see and as it was suppose to be my last day in KL before heading back to Bangkok.

 My first order of business was to go to the hospital so that I could get my next rabies shot, but as I headed out the door I recognized the English guy that I had eaten with the night before and also the Dutch guy (Nick) who had introduced himself to me previously. As asked them what they were up to, they said they were getting lunch. I was feeling hungry, so instead of going to the hospital I decided to join them.

The English guy was taking us to this fancy mall complex that he had eaten lunch at the previous day. I thought maybe he was leading us to the place I had been to yesterday, but that wasn't the case. I guess Malaysia is full of huge shopping complexes! Outside the mall was this fancy water feature plus giant sunglasses, and we couldn't resist taking some pictures. When we walked into the mall we couldn't believe how fancy it was. I was instantly greeted by a Marc by Marc Jacobs store, I was instantly drawn to it, but I resisted the urge.
We went downstairs to the lower level to where the foodcourt was. This place was huge, they had every restaurant you could imagine. We ended up going for Thai food, but unfortunately the noodles I had were far too spicy so I didn't end up being to keen on them in the end.
After finishing up the English guy (I don't remember his name) had to do other things so Nick and I continued the day together.

We went to see the famous Petronas towers up close, it was a about a 20 minute walk from where we were to the towers, they were amazing up close. We went inside on of the towers, which was like a giant spacey looking shopping mall because I needed to buy some shorts quickly. After exiting the mall, we went to this spot where you could take some really great pictures in front of the towers. I was having some issues with my camera, so we played around for a bit till we got the pictures just right.

After the towers, we went to Chow Kids the children's centre I had been at the day before. This time I managed to find the place again without too much of a problem, but before heading in we went to 7/11 so we could buy some chocolate for the kids. When we went in we signed in and took off our shoes and headed upstairs. As soon as we pulled out the chocolates, the kids started running towards us. The older kids were not around that day so we ended up with some extra chocolates so there was plenty to go around. Some of the little ones ran up to me, recognizing me from the day before. I wanted to keep them all already, it was sad to think that this would be the last time I could see them all. It didn't take long for me to start running around and get sweaty, but I had to keep it a bit more tame this time since I was wearing a strapless dress. The kids started running towards Nick too, they all wanted a turn! After some more running around, we got to talking to some of the ladies that work there and they gave us directions to one of the temples we wanted to visit.

I was happy to see the little ones as I left Chow Kids, but I was a bit saddened that I didn't get to see the older ones one last time mainly Adam, my little English speaker. We headed towards the monorail to get to the temple, it was going to be quite a few stops before we got there. The monorail was crowded, I was feeling tired from the kids so I managed to squish onto a seat while Nick filmed the journey. When we got to the station we had the challenge of finding the place without a decent map. We ended up coming onto this Hindu temple, but it was closed that day so we admired it from the outside, although it left more to be desired because it was under construction. We caught a cab who knew where we needed to go, it was definitely going to be too far to walk, and we had been heading in the opposite direction.

When we got a look at the Thean Hou Bhuddist temple we were definitely blown away, it was far more impressive then we expected. Nick and I couldn't wait to explore the whole place! When we got inside the main temple area, we were able to pick this number off a stick in a jar and then read this piece of paper that was suppose to tell you your future. While mine seemed positive enough, Nick's wasn't exactly the same case. After that, we lite some incenses and Nick told me that I was suppose to be centering myself, and letting go of something that was bothering me, essentially being in the moment. After getting zen we explored more of the complex, but then it started raining, I mean pouring! It was loud and thunderous, I was definitely feeling a little scared. We went down to the lower level where they had a gift shop and some restaurants. I saw that they had french toast on the menu, and I couldn't resist some homey food. After eating, we left the building, but we had a hard time finding a taxi. We were told we needed to go down the hill to where the road was. We walked in the rain, by the time we found a taxi we were pretty much soaked. We took the taxi to the hospital, so that I could finally get my rabies shot. When I got there I was told that it was going to cost 450 ringet, which was a lot more expensive then what I had paid in Thailand, but I didn't have much of a choice I needed to get it. The hospital looked okay enough, but definitely not as impressive as the one I had been to in Phuket. The doctor was not going to be back from dinner till 7, so Nick and I decided to do some walking around. When we got back, it wasn't too long until they were ready for me. Nick came in the room with me along with the doctor and a nurse. She inspected my wound and told me that even though it looked bad, that it was healing. I got a bit nervous again when it was time for my shot, but It was fine in the end.
< After the hospital Nick and I walked back to the hostel where we were greeted by one of the employees Mac who noticed by band-aid. I guess the fact that I got bitten by a monkey would always bring in the laughs! We chilled for a while at the hostel then we went out to eat on the way back we managed to find a club that was packed with locals and there was even a concert going on, it was a great way to end the day. div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">


  1. i hope you had a good time in Kuala Lumpur.

    waves from a fellow malaysian :)


  2. Wow.
    You're a blogging queen! This blog is fantastic!
    I've just started one of my own (thingsithought.org)
    Also Canadian, also living in Australia and just starting to explore Asia.
    We went to Singapore last year, Bali this year and KL certainly the next.
    Yours is a blog I'll keep my eye on :)
