Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Singapore day 2

After getting the chance to shower and feeling refreshed for the first time in ages  we went down to the lobby of the hostel for some breakfast and spent some time hanging out there with one of the workers and a local girl we met the day before.


They had a guitar there so I played some songs and so did the hostel worker. It was lots of fun and a good way to start off the morning. The only thing was we were on a mission to find our new hostel. We decided to grab a taxi, who managed to get lost. Seriously the hostel was on a main street how do you manage to get lost in such an efficient city? The good thing was that the taxi's run on meters there so you don't have the negotiate except they seem to pretend to get lost often.

After going in the wrong direction for a while we made it to our hostel. It was to early to check in so we left our stuff there and set off on foot. We decided to just walk around and take the city in. Eventually we ended up at a market area, we ate and then visited a buddhist temple. After that we went to visit a Turkish mosque that we had walked passed earlier in the day. When I got there I had to wear this big dress to cover myself up. The good thing about the mosque was that it was nice and cool. There were a lot of men in there just relaxing or praying. After staying there for a while and taking pictures we headed back to the hostel.

Later that night after the rain had passed we headed towards the market area for some food. Then we explored the city at night on foot. 

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