Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Somewhere over Asia day 1, Bangkok, Thailand, day 1

When I checked in for my flight to Bangkok, I forgot to ask for a window seat, so instead I got stuck in the dreaded aisle seat for 8 hours. I checked my messages on my iphone before putting it in my backpack and sliding it under the seat in front of me for take off.

The whole flight was uncomfortable, the Thai guy next to me must have tried every possible position to get comfortable, eventually he settled on my shoulder. When we were about 2 hours from landing, I went to check my bag for my phone and I found it missing. I emptied out my bag several times and checked under the seats, but it was no where to be found. I didn't really think it was any of the guys next to me, but I could not figure out what happened to it. Finally I alerted a stewardess of what happened, her first reaction was "you should watch you stuff" I informed her that I had not left my seat the entire flight! I started to get upset, I even called over for the manager whom said that this was unusual. I told her that somebody on the flight had stolen my phone while I was sleeping. She said they would search the flight after everybody disembarked. I was upset and distraught the rest of the way to Bangkok. The workers on the right were not being helpful and were being unfriendly. When the plane landed, I never saw the manager again or the cops that she said would meet me at the door. I pleaded with one of the workers to help me, but he told me this was not his problem. With that I gave up, the cleaners were on the plane and I was the last one to exit. I knew I wasn't going to see my iphone again, Egypt just had to screw me over one last time. (Later I found out that the person who had my phone was harassing my contacts and trying to scam me)
Part of me was so annoyed that I just wanted to give up and buy a flight home back to Melbourne, but I decided to be brave a soldier on. The airport was impressive, definitely handsdown the nicest airport I had ever been in. The line up for customs was very long, but even the offices greeted you with a smile and tropical shirts.

I was definitely feeling nervous about being in Asia for the first time, but I tried to keep myself busy by calculating my next move which was to find a taxi. I got down to the taxi area of the airport, the lady taking the orders said that my driver could not take me to my hostel because of protests in that area. I asked her what she expected me to do, but finally the driver took me anyway. He said I needed to pay 1600 baht! I knew this was bullshit, and that I should not be paying more then 300-400 bath. When I told him this he said that he needed to take the long way there (which was bull) because of he protests so we agreed on 600 bath. The driver put on some really cheesy songs like Air supply, Bee gees, and kung foo fighting and was singing along to it, it was hilarious.
He told me he couldn't turn onto the street the hostel was on but that I had to get off at the top end of Khao San Road and grab a Tuk tuk. I had been warned against Tuk tuks and was definitely scared to be getting on one just as I arrived, but I didn't have a choice.
I got off and found a Tuk tuk driver easily, of course he tried to rip me off, but I negotiated. The street was packed with people in red T-shirts, it looked like there was some sort of race going on or festival, but I later found out it was the protesters.

It only took about 5 minutes to get to my hostel on the Tuk tuk, the ride was quick but not as scary as I thought and he didn't make any unnecessary stops to the famous 'jewel shops'. The hostel was a "boutique hostel" I was glad to have chosen it. After everything that had happened on the flight, I needed somewhere to relax with air conditioning. I crashed on my bed for a while, and then went to take a shower. Then I ran into this American guy who was staying in my room and I told him what had happened to me on the plane and that I was looking for an Internet cafe. He offered to walk me to one, so I went there and after he took me to Khao San Road. I was blown away, it was buzzing and so alive, tones and food and shopping! We both got some Padthai, then headed back to the hostel to rest some more. When I got back to the hostel we both crashed, and went to sleep. Then a couple of English girls that were staying in the room also came in, so I chatted with them for a while. We went down to this stall run by a local around the corner where I bought this spicy noodle soup, for 40 cents, they were the best noodles I had ever had. Yum!

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