Monday, June 21, 2010


Cairo day 6

I slept in, by the time I got breakfast at the hostel was pretty much over. My plan for the day was to walk around Cairo and head towards the nile, maybe stop by the bazaar again.

As I was getting ready to leave I was stopped by one of the older hostel employees, this 50 year old egyptian man. He seemed to be bound and determined to take me out that day, I turned him down gently as I tried to leave the hostel, but he followed me. Finally I agreed, but I assured him we were only friends and that I wasn't interested. First he took me to a restaurant that was very popular with all the tourists he paid for my meal and the taxi there. We walked a lot, but it mostly revolved around his love life, his kids who are in Alexandria and how he was a retired bank manager and now was hoping to open his own hostel.
After eating we went to do a nile cruise, after the nile cruise we headed towards his very modern area which was where the opera building was and a museum. First we sat down for a drink which was necessary in the +40 degree heat. We visited the opera building and then the museum. The museum was truly impressive, definitely in the top that I've ever visited.
After the museum I headed back to the hostel, I was being picked up by a driver to take me to the airport. I thought I would be in a 'limo' car, but instead I ended up in an old black and white taxi. The ride wasn't as bad as I thought, his car was obviously holding up. I have to say I wasn't impressed with the way the airport was set up, all the food was in the middle and the gates were really far away which meant you had to walk ages either way. And also you had to wait on the ground outside the gate, nobody was allowed to enter until just before the flight. This was my final annoyance with Cairo, in the end I definitely left Egypt with mixed feelings.

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