Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Bangkok day 3

I decided to have a nice leisurely breakfast at the hostel as they had their own cafe in the lobby. I felt fresh, clean and relaxed, but it didn't take long for me to feel nasty and sweaty again as soon as I walked out the doors.

Today's first mission was to go to the golden mountain which isn't far from the hostel. After about 15 minutes of walking I was at the edge of the 'mountain'. I was worried about the amount of steps it would take to get up, but it wasn't too bad. The view was amazing, and everything was beautifully decorated. When I got to the top, there were many people praying to Buddha, then you could go up some more steps to get a great view of the city.

After getting back down from the golden mountain, I got a bit lost making my way out but instead ended up finding some sort of temple that had these impressive giant buddah statue. After visiting that I hailed a cap to get to the dock so I could take the boat to Wat Arun.
Wat Arun was absolutely beautiful and impressive in detail. Again I had to rent a skirt because my shorts were not allowed. I climbed the steps to the top of Wat Arun, but the way back was the scary part as it felt like a vertical drop. By the time I made it to the bottom I was ready to call it quits, I was hot and sweaty. I wandered around the grounds for a while before taking the boat back to the other side. I hailed a cab back to Khao San Road, I walked around there for a bit before heading back to the hostel. I was meeting up with the English girls and the American guy to go to the night market. When I got into the room, this Australian guy had checked in and was sleeping above me, so I invited him to come with us as well to the market.
When we got downstairs to the cafe/lobby area, the American guy was no where to be seen. We waited for him for about half an hour before deciding to depart for the night market.

The night market was truly impressive, they literally sold everything your heart desired. They even had a section for young designers where you could buy one of a kind pieces.
After wandering around for several hours we decided to get something to eat which consisted of lots of noodles and Padthai.

Because of the time of the night we had a hard time getting a taxi to take us back to the hostel from the market for a reasonable price. Finally we decided to squeeze all four of us and our shopping into a tuk tuk, it was quite an experience!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics! I have to come back and actually read your thoughts when its not close to 2am. I totally want to travel-need to figure out a way to get it sponsored or written off....
