Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Bangkok day 4, Phuket day 1

I had to get up around 5:30 am, I had an early flight to Phuket and it was going to take about an hour by taxi to get to the airport.

I decided to eat some breakfast at the hostel again, they were also nice enough to hail me a taxi who agreed to put his meter on.

This taxi driver was definitely less entertaining then the first guy I had coming in to Bangkok, but I'm going to assuming that he didn't speak any English. The best part about getting up this early though is taking in the sunrise, it was truly amazing. I caught my flight to Phuket without a problem, when I arrived at the airport I was instantly being surrounded by workers asking me where I was going and staying. I managed to dodge most of them, then this lady convinced me to take a mini bus to my hostel for $150 baht, which I knew was a reasonable price. I was really impressed as soon gas I walked into my hostel, it was quite stylish, I knew I would have a comfortable stay. The Australian owner greeted me straight away, and gave me information on the ins and outs of Bangkok. I wasn't allowed to check into my room yet, so I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I decided my first order of duty was to check out the beach which was near by. I found a chair with an umbrella to lounge in near the water. Unfortunately what I didn't know was that I had to pay 100 baht for it. I stayed there for a couple of hours taking in the beautiful scenery of phuket and it's island/surf culture. On the way back to my hostel to check in, I stopped by a bazaar located at the bottom of one of their American style malls, but there was nothing impressive there, especially after going to the night market in Bangkok. When I got to my hostel I was able to check into my room, the space was huge, and it had some sort of a terrace adjoined to it. I was sitting in bed sorting through my stuff when one of the Thai employees brought in this German guy who was checking in and would be sleeping in the bed above me. We walked for a while, and then I invited him to get some food and check out the beach. Timo had not had any Padthai yet, so we both went and ordered some, but I have to say I still prefer street food to restaurant food. After eating we went to check out the beach, we managed to get away with using the lounge chairs for a while as they were removing them soon since it was close to sunset. We swam for a while, and during that time I managed to lose the bracelet that was given to me by my Bazaar stalker in Cairo. It wasn't anything special, but it definitely a funny reminder. After a swim, we were accosted by one of the flower selling Thai kids, she grabbed my face and started to kiss me on the cheek. I didn't buy any flowers, but I gave her a bit of change and set her on her way. Timo and I sat on the beach and watched the sunset, but the best part was is that you can order drinks right on the beach and they bring them right to you. We sat around till after dark, then this Thai guy came up to us asking if we wanted to release this sort of air balloon for goodluck. At first we refused, but then we thought, why not? After some more drinks, we headed back to the hostel to clean up, I was pretty much covered in sand. After we got ready we headed back on the town we stopped by this bar that had a great Thai band playing some classics. Then we walked down infamous Bangla street looking for our next bar, I definitely noticed a lot of Thai girls dancing around the pole dressed like school girls. We got stopped in the middle of this street telling us we could get a free peak to a ping pong show. We must have been feeling brave because we thought "why not?". The building looked really nice from the outside, as far as Phuket was concerned and had a big "Erotica" sign lit in red on it. We walked in and took our seats, there were about 10 topless thai girls dancing around poles. It was definitely strange and a bit uncomfortable at first, but our first round of drinks was enough to get over it. We were starting to wonder when the show was actually going to begin, but then three Thai girls cam out and started 'getting it on' in some sort of fake menage a trois. After that an older Thai lady came out she did more then just the ping pong show, there was some fish, frogs, darts, whistles, cigarettes involved among other things. We left after she was done her act and headed to McDonalds for some quick food. Timo told me that the drinks he got us cost 1000 baht, I couldn't believe it, I guess that's how they get you with the free peak.
I ordered some cheese fries at McDonalds, I'd never seen them there before so I wanted to give them a go. They were not amazing, but definitely tasty enough for a late night out. After we wandered around the beach for a while before finding another bar to go to. This one was a really flash outdoor bar on the beach. It was super fancy, maybe one of the nicest outdoor bars I had ever been to. On the way back to the hostel we decided to take a different route, which ended up getting us sort of lost, but we found our way back eventually.

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