Saturday, December 11, 2010

Singapore day 4, Back to Bangkok day 1

Getting up at 4 am to fly back to Bangkok was very difficult. I didn't end up sleeping much after I said goodbye to Timo and Jacqui. After packing up my stuff, I found a taxi.

Knowing that I was nearly the end of my trip was difficult, but it was going to be nice to get back to Melbourne to relax. I thought I would get to see the famous Singapore airport, but instead I was brought to the lowcost terminal because I was flying with Tiger Airways. I was very lucky when I got to Singapore because they have storage at the airport so I was able to leave my stuff there and go into the city.
I still had some time before I had to meet up with friends of mine so I decided to go to the market. There wasn't too much open because of the festivities so it was a bit of a dissappointment. After walking around for a while I decided to head down to Khao San Road early. I went to a stall to purchase a water gun and right away the sales lady threw water on me and yelled "Happy new year". I think she was happy to be the first one to soak me. As I was walking down the street I ran into Noel, a friend of mine that I wasn't suppose to see till later. We decided to go look for somewhere to get massages, but the shops were closed due to the festivities. Noel and his friend Kai were lucky enough to find a hotel on Khao San Road so we went up there to relax for a bit. I ended up going up to where the rooftop pool is and passing out for a couple of hours. After waking up we went down to KSR and started spraying people down. It was so much fun, to get to hose down every person that you see. They also had this power that they would mix with coloring and throw it all over people, it got messy very quickly! Soon we were hungry so we went to a restaurant to eat, but it was very difficult avoiding getting sprayed while eating. After eating there was a big dance party so we joined in, although I was a bit worried because I had my camera with me, but by some miracle I managed to keep it safe.  Later on that night we went back to the hotel to get cleaned up then we went to the pool and relaxed. Soon though it was time for me to go catch my flight back to Melbourne.

I was definitely worried about making it out of the road and to a taxi because things were getting more and more hetic. After saying goodbye to Noel and Kai and bracing my self with my water gun for defense I made it about halfway and stopped for some food when I realized I left my passport back at the hotel in the safe. This meant that I would have to fight my way back and then back again. I was annoyed because I had just showered and cleaned myself up! I managed to make it back and Noel was already at the door holding my passport. I quickly grabbed it and headed back down the street begging people not to spray me. By the time I got to a taxi I was a mess again, but at least I was on my way.  Except that my taxi was getting buckets of water thrown at it. When I got the airport I was covered in power, it was a funny sight! After I got my stuff from storage I went to the washroom to clean up. Saying goodbye to Thailand, Asia and the whole trip was hard, but I knew it wasn't going to be the end of my adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Fashion and travel, two things I am so passionate about! Just discovered your two blogs recently, love them. Your trip sounds like a dream, hope that you got back home safe
