Wednesday, June 23, 2010

 Phuket day 3

After having such a big day I decided to sleep in, I had not being able to have that luxury too many times during this trip.

I went downstairs in the lobby where they also had a bar/restaurant and ordered breakfast. I took my time eating and checked my email. I arranged with one of the employees Ra to go Bungee jumping. They wouldn't be picking me up for a while so I had ages to kill. The car came around 3 pm to bring me to the Bungee place, that was only about a ten minute drive away. As soon as I got there, they were down to business, I signed my life away and next thing I know I was getting strapped in and tossed into some sort of elevator going up a crane. I gave my camera quickly to a guy I saw around there so that he could take some pictures for me. I was surprised that they never even asked if I wanted pictures, it just seemed like my "jump master" wanted to get it done and over with. When I got to the top, and I fully realized what I had to do the nerves kicked in. As I was saying "No no no no", the jump master pushed me off the ledge. I closed my eyes right away, I could feel the wind rushing past me, I couldn't wait for it to be over. The worst part came towards the end when I was bouncing around, eventually the top of my head hit the water and I knew it was over. I kept my eyes shut, the guys down below and to ask me to open them so I could grab some sort of boey. At the end I got y certificate and a Tshirt, took some pictures and I was driven back to the hostel. Despite having been pushed, I was in an incredibly good mood knowing what I had just done and survived!

I met up with Noel and Kai and the English girls from yesterday for dinner. When I got back to the hostel I still had some time before I was suppose to meet up with them again so I decided to do some exploring around the Patong beach area. Eventually I made it down to the beach just in time to take in the amazing sunset. On the way back to the hostel I walked along the water, it was truly a relaxing experience, it reminded me that sometimes you need to just take things on your own.
When I got back to the hostel I got ready and waited in the lobby for the others. I ended up hanging out with a couple of the employees and an English girl down in the lobby. Then a musical act came on and we all jammed away. Noel was running late because being a nurse he had to attend to one of the girls in the group who had been in the hospital the night before with second degree burns due to the sun. It took a while, but about 5 of us got together for a night out. We headed down Bangla road for some pre drinks, then lots picture taking ensued which involved a lady boy. After we went to this club called Sound, it was really expensive to get in $250 baht, but it was super posh and you got a free drink. We ended up staying there and dancing the night away until the place closed.

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